Friday 13 May 2016

Financial Literacy

               Given the opportunity to construct a unit plan with some colleagues is an absolute pleasure.  Creating a unit plan on our own is definitely doable, however being able to create one with others gives us the opportunity to listen to other ideas which can lead to a more interactive and effective unit.

Geralt.  "Dollar Sign".  February 14, 2015.  Source found here.
                For our unit, we chose the grade 4 unit on early societies.  Collaborating in our group brought up the suggestion that students can create their own society based on the information learn about other early societies.  In order to collaborate effectively, it was important for our group to be in constant communication with each other.  We chose to use google docs because this way we could edit each other’s information and give suggestions more readily. 

                We are excited to create our own unit plan and hope for others to use it in their future teaching careers!

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